hVIVO is the new name of Retroscreen Virology! (from 15 April 2015). hVIVO is a rapidly growing UK life sciences company pioneering a technology platform which uses human challenge models of disease involving healthy volunteers to study new drugs and investigate disease in a safe, controlled, clinical environment. Our belief is that the best way to understand human disease is by studying it in humans, not laboratory models.
Saturday, 31 May 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Immunity from inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine decreased after one year | Healio Mobile
Posted by Rob LW
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Breakthrough in RSV Research to Help Infected Children
Posted by Rob LW
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Friday, 23 May 2014
BBC News: Immune children aid malaria fight
Immune children aid malaria fight
An antibody produced by children who are naturally resistant to malaria could lead to an effective vaccine for the disease, scientists report.
Read more:
Posted by Rob LW
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
No difference in severity, outcomes between influenza A and B - Healio
No difference in severity, outcomes between influenza A and B - Healio
The Global DispatchNo difference in severity, outcomes between influenza A and BHealioInfluenza A and influenza B had similar ... Read more
Posted by Rob LW
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Unusual new penguin flu found in Antarctica - Yahoo News UK
Unusual new penguin flu found in Antarctica - Yahoo News UK
Yahoo News UKUnusual new penguin flu found in AntarcticaYahoo News UK"It raises a lot of unanswered questions," said ... Read more
Posted by Rob LW
Friday, 9 May 2014
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Secret of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic uncovered - Daily Mail
Secret of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic uncovered - Daily Mail
Daily MailSecret of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic uncoveredDaily MailThe researchers discovered that the pandemic virus arose ...
Monday, 5 May 2014
Fwd: PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (50): Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, RFI
From: <promed@promedmail.org>
Date: 5 May 2014 02:46:04 BST
To: <promed-post@promedmail.org>, <promed-edr-post@promedmail.org>, <promed-ahead-post@promedmail.org>
Subject: PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (50): Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, RFI
Reply-To: <promedNOREPLY@promedmail.org>
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
In this update:
[1] Saudi Arabia, 15 new infections, 1 death - MOH
[2] UAE, 4 new infections - MOH
[3] USA ex Saudi Arabia - Indiana DOH
[1] Saudi Arabia, 15 new infections, 1 death - MOH
Date: 4 May 2014
Source: Saudi MOH [edited]
MOH: 15 Confirmed Cases of the Novel Coronavirus Recorded on Sat 3 May
Daily Report on the Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Situation Saturday [3 May
Total number of confirmed cases: 15
Total number of recovered cases now testing negative: 4
Total number of deaths: 1 (The case was previously announced to be
infected with the virus).
Overview of the health status of the cases:
4 cases haven't developed any symptoms
5 stable cases receiving proper treatment
5 cases at intensive care units
1 case passed away.
The health situation of the cases in detail:
In Riyadh
a) A 45-year-old woman working at a governmental hospital in Riyadh.
She was admitted to the hospital on [29 Apr 2014] with respiratory
symptoms. Now, she is at the intensive care unit receiving treatment.
She has been in contact with a confirmed case.
b) A 47-year-old man who was admitted to a governmental hospital in
Riyadh on [21 Apr 2014] with respiratory symptoms. Now, he is at the
IC unit receiving treatment.
c) A 77-year-old man suffering from multiple myeloma. He was admitted
to a governmental hospital in Riyadh in December 2013, and then he
displayed respiratory symptoms on [29 Apr 2014]. He passed away on [2
May 2014].
d) A 73-year-old woman who was admitted to a governmental hospital in
Riyadh in January 2014 with cardiac diseases, and then she developed
respiratory symptoms on [29 Apr 2014]. Now, she is receiving treatment
at the IC unit.
e) A 27-year-old man who suffered from symptoms of high temperature,
vomiting and diarrhea on [1 May 2014]. Two days later, he was admitted
to a governmental hospital. His health status is stable now. He has
been in contact with a confirmed case.
f) A 55-year-old man who has been in contact with a confirmed case. He
has not developed any symptoms.
In Jeddah
a) A 94-year-old man who exhibited respiratory symptoms on [26 Apr
2014], and then he was rushed to a governmental hospital in Jeddah on
[28 Apr 2014]. Now, he is receiving treatment at the IC unit.
b) A 61-year-old man suffering from renal failure. He experienced
respiratory symptoms on [22 Apr 2014], and then he was admitted to a
private hospital in Jeddah on [24 Apr 2014]. His health status is
c) The 3rd case is a 47-year-old man suffering from renal failure. On
[29 Apr 2014], he showed respiratory symptoms and was taken to a
governmental hospital in Jeddah. His health status is stable.
d) A 63-year-old man who was admitted to a governmental hospital in
Jeddah on [17 Feb 2014] suffering from gangrene. On [29 Apr 2014], he
developed respiratory symptoms. Now, he is at the IC unit receiving
e) A 40-year-old woman who was taken to a governmental hospital in
Makkah on [29 Apr 2014] with respiratory symptoms. Her health status
is stable. Later on, she was transferred to a governmental hospital in
In Makkah:
a) A 26-year-old woman who showed mild respiratory symptoms on [21 Apr
2014]. Her health status is stable. She has been in contact with a
confirmed case.
b) A 27-year-old woman who has been in contact with a confirmed case.
She has not developed any symptoms.
c) A 37-year-old woman who has been in contact with a confirmed case.
She has not developed any symptoms.
d) A 14-year-old adolescent who has been in contact with a confirmed
case. He has not developed any symptoms.
Recovered and discharged cases that previously tested positive and are
now negative:
a) A 48-year-old man who is discharged from the governmental hospital
in Jeddah
b) A 77-year-old woman who is discharged from the governmental
hospital in Riyadh
c) A 45-year-old man who is discharged from the governmental hospital
in Riyadh
d) A 81-year-old man who is discharged from the governmental hospital
in Riyadh
Communicated by:
[With the addition of the above newly reported laboratory
confirmations, there have now been 411 laboratory confirmed cases of
MERS-CoV infection including 112 deaths reported in Saudi Arabia since
September 2012. Of the 15 newly confirmed cases, 7 were known contacts
of previously laboratory confirmed infections, of whom 4 have no
clinical symptoms, and 3 had clinical illness compatible with MERS-CoV
infection. 3 of the newly confirmed cases had been hospitalized for
weeks or months for other illnesses and then developed respiratory
symptoms compatible with MERS-CoV infection. One case is a government
hospital employee.
New information on patients who are no longer MERS-CoV positive and
are being discharged home is being provided.
A map of Saudi Arabia showing the locations of these newly confirmed
laboratory infections can be found at the source URL. - Mod.MPP]
[2] UAE, 4 new infections - MOH
Date: 4 May 2014
Source: Health Authority - Abu Dhabi (HAAD) [edited]
HAAD announces 6 cases diagnosed with MERS Coronavirus tested
The Health Authority - Abu Dhabi (HAAD) [United Arab Republic] is
pleased to announce that 6 more of the individuals who are in
isolation in hospital with MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection have
now tested negative for the virus and will be leaving hospital soon.
With this, the number of individuals who have tested negative has
risen to 27.
HAAD said that these 6 cases were kept in isolation at hospitals as a
precautionary measure. They were able to clear the virus within 10-14
days themselves without any treatment.
It is expected that the other individuals with positive MERS
coronavirus currently in isolation in hospitals will likewise soon
test negative and be able to go home. They are being tested daily to
check on their positive status.
HAAD also announced 4 new cases with MERS-CoV. Most have either no
symptoms or mild symptoms and are expected to clear the virus soon.
They have been admitted to hospital for isolation until they clear the
HAAD confirmed that it is coordinating with the Ministry of Health
(MOH) and other authorities in the country and has taken all necessary
measures as per international standards and recommendations from the
World Health Organisation (WHO).
HAAD has been engaging world authorities from expert international
organizations who are now in Abu Dhabi to help shed light on various
aspects of the virus, including modes of transmission, and best
practice in managing viral infections of this type.
The MOH stated that the WHO confirmed the virus is not a concern for
public health at the moment and that the current situation does not
require a travel ban to any country in the world, screenings at
different ports, or any restrictions on trade.
The MOH confirmed that it is monitoring the situation closely to
ensure the health and safety of everyone.
Communicated by:
[The above announcement from the Health Authority of Abu Dahbi (HAAD)
mentions 4 new laboratory confirmed MERS-CoV infected individuals with
either mild or no symptoms. No further details on these cases are
available as yet. Information as to whether these cases are related to
the outbreak involving overseas workers in the health sector is not
available. More information on the epidemiology of the cases reported
in the UAE would be greatly appreciated.
For a map of the UAE, see <http://healthmap.org/promed/p/132>. -
[3] USA ex Saudi Arabia - Indiana DOH
Date: 4 May 2014
Source: Indiana Department of Health [edited]
The 1st identified U.S. case of Middle East respiratory syndrome
(MERS) was diagnosed this week at Community Hospital, Munster,
Indiana. The patient, whose name is being kept confidential, remains
hospitalized in good condition and is improving each day. As of today
[4 May 2014], no other cases of MERS have been identified [in the
"We are very pleased the patient is improving, and no other cases have
been identified at this time," said State Health Commissioner William
VanNess II, M.D. "The individual has received excellent care while at
Community Hospital in Munster. The swift diagnosis and precautionary
measures taken have undoubtedly greatly helped reduce the risk of this
potentially serious virus spreading."
The Indiana State Department of Health is working with the hospital,
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and others to
monitor the situation and prevent the spread of the virus.
Representatives from the CDC arrived in Indianapolis yesterday [3 May
2014] to assist and arrived at the hospital this morning.
Since symptoms of MERS may take up to 14 days to occur, staff members
at the hospital who had direct contact with the patient prior to the
patient being placed in full isolation have been taken off duty and
placed in temporary home isolation. Those individuals are being
closely monitored for any signs or symptoms of the virus and will be
allowed to return to work once the incubation period is over and they
have confirmed negative laboratory results.
There have been no reported cases of people without symptoms
transmitting this virus.
"The patient is in full isolation and presents no risk to patients,
staff or the general community," said Don Fesko, CEO of Community
Hospital in Munster. "We are thoroughly prepared to handle respiratory
infections. We continue to work closely with the CDC and State Health
Department and are following every recommendation. Safety is our top
For questions about MERS, please call the Indiana State Department of
Health hotline at 1-877-826-0011, which is being answered daily, 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT. A voicemail system is available for callers to
leave a message during off hours. All calls will be returned 1st thing
the following morning.
To keep you and your family healthy by reducing your risk of disease,
follow CDC's tips below:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds, and help
young children do the same. If soap and water are not available, use
an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze,
then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact, such as kissing, sharing cups, or sharing
eating utensils with sick people.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and
For more information, please visit the websites below.
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome:
- About Coronavirus:
- Frequently Asked MERS Questions and Answers:
- Indiana State Department of Health
Communicated by:
[On [24 Apr 2014], the patient traveled by plane from Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia to London, England then from London to Chicago, Illinois. The
patient then took a bus from Chicago to Indiana. On [27 Apr 2014], the
patient began to experience respiratory symptoms, including shortness
of breath, coughing, and fever. The patient went to an emergency
department in an Indiana hospital on [28 Apr 2014] and was admitted on
that same day. See post (48) listed below. - Mod.JW]
[The description of the management of cases and contacts suggests that
should there have been transmission of the MER-CoV from this patient
to HCWs, the chain of transmission within the hospital would have been
markedly reduced, as these individuals are being removed from active
patient care until they are cleared of disease following one
incubation period. The unfortunate "wild card" here will be how well
the home isolation is observed, preventing transmission among the
community outside of the health care environment.
For a map of the USA showing states, see
- Mod.MP
A HealthMap/ProMED-mail map can be accessed at:
[See Also:
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (49): Saudi Arabia 20140503.2447188
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (48): USA ex Saudi Arabia
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (47): Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt,
WHO 20140502.2442560
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (46): Saudi Arabia, animal reservoir,
camel 20140430.2440228
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (45): Saudi Arabia 20140430.2437089
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (44): Saudi Arabia 20140428.2433859
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (43): Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (42): Saudi Arabia, genome
sequencing, Jeddah 20140426.2432140
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (40): Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan ex
KSA, WHO, RFI 20140424.2424017
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (39): Qatar (RY) animal res., camel,
OIE 20140424.2426491
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (38): animal reservoir, camel, Saudi
Arabia, RFI 20140423.2424953
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (37): Saudi Arabia, UAE
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (36): Greece ex Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (35): Greece, Saudi Arabia, UAE, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (34): animal reservoir, camel, Saudi
Arabia, RFI 20140419.2414479
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (33): Saudi Arabia 20140418.2413921
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (32): Saudi Arabia, UAE, Malaysia,
WHO, RFI 20140417.2411430
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (31): Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, UAE,
Philippines 20140416.2406647
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (30): Saudi Arabia, UAE, WHO, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (29): Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (28): Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (27): Saudi Arabia, UAE, WHO,
screening 20140410.2395733
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (26): Saudi Arabia 20140409.2392763
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (25): Saudi Arabia, UAE, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (24): Saudi Arabia, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (23): Saudi Arabia 20140404.2378035
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (22): UAE, WHO 20140401.2373381
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (18): Saudi Arabia 20140321.2347610
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (17): Kuwait, UAE, Saudi Arabia, WHO,
RFI 20140320.2345849
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (16): Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (15): Saudi Arabia, WHO, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (14): Saudi Arabia, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (13): Saudi Arabia, UAE, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (12): Saudi Arabia 20140306.2317828
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (11): Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (08): Saudi Arabia 20140220.2289977
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (07): Saudi Arabia 20140215.2280653
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (06): UAE (Abu Dhabi)
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (05): Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (04): Saudi Arabia, Jordan, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (03): Oman, WHO 20140109.2162284
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (02): animal reservoir, camel, UAE,
serology 20140104.2151807
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (01): Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (106): animal reservoir, camel,
Qatar, OIE 20131231.2145606
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (102): Dubai, fatal 20131221.2128612
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (101): animal reservoir, camel, goat
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (100): Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (99): animal reservoir, camel, Qatar
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (98): animal reserv/camel, Jordan,
Saudi Arabia 20131213.2114362
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (95): animal reservoir, camel, Qatar
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (94): UAE (Abu Dhabi), Qatar
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (93): animal res., camel conf, Qatar
(RY) OIE 20131129.2082115
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (91): Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (90): Saudi Arabia, Qatar fatal
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (88): Kuwait, WHO, Spain
MERS-CoV Eastern Mediterranean (87): animal res. camel susp.
precautions 20131113.2053932
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (86): Kuwait, 1st rep, susp, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (85): animal reservoir, camel, susp,
official 20131112.2051424
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (84): Saudi Arabia, Oman, deaths,
WHO, RFI 20131112.2049026
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (82): Qatar, RFI 20131110.2047575
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (81): Saudi Arabia, UAE ex Oman, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (70): Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (60): Qatar, new case, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (51): Saudi Arabia, WHO, RFI
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (40): Saudi Arabia, WHO
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (15): Saudi Arabia, Italy ex Jordan,
WHO, RFI 20130601.1749096
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (12): Saudi Arabia, France
MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (05): Tunisia ex Saudi Arabia/Qatar,
fatal, RFI 20130520.1725864
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (24): France, 2nd case
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (20): France ex UAE, WHO,
Saudi Arabia 20130508.1700034
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (14): Germany ex UAE, WHO,
fatal 20130326.1604564
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (12): KSA, UK fatality, RFI
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean (11): UK, pers to pers
transm 20130316.1588808
Novel coronavirus - East. Med. (07): Saudi Arabia, UK, Germany
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Med. (04): UK, pers to pers trans susp
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Med. (02): UK ex Saudi Arabia, Pakistan
Novel coronavirus - Eastern Mediterranean: WHO, Jordan, conf., RFI
Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (18): WHO, new cases, cluster
Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (14): KSA MOH 20121022.1358297
Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (12): RFI 20121019.1353615
Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (04): RFI, Jordan, April 2012
Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (03): UK HPA, WHO, Qatar
Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia (02): additional cases, RFI
Novel coronavirus - Saudi Arabia: human isolate 20120920.1302733]
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are posted, but the accuracy and completeness of the
information, and of any statements or opinions based
thereon, are not guaranteed. The reader assumes all risks in
using information posted or archived by ProMED-mail. ISID
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Sunday, 4 May 2014
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Secret of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic uncovered - Daily Mail
Secret of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic uncovered - Daily Mail
Daily MailSecret of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic uncoveredDaily MailThe Human influenza A virus usually sees higher mortality ... Read more
Posted by Rob LW
Warning As Mers Coronavirus Lands In UK
Warning As Mers Coronavirus Lands In UK
The non-UK national was diagnosed with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) after being taken to hospital with respiratory symptoms in the US.
The passenger had flown on a British Airways flight from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia to Heathrow on April 24, before transferring to Chicago.
Public Health England (PHE) has contacted UK passengers on BA Flight 262 who were sitting near the affected passenger, but stressed the risk of infection was "extremely low".
Britons on the flight who become unwell or experience respiratory problems have been urged to contact NHS 111.
PHE is also working with US authorities to trace any UK passengers on the onward flight - American Airlines Flight 99 from London to Chicago.
It is the first case of MERS-CoV in the US, after diagnosis was confirmed by the United States Centre for Disease Control in Indiana.
Since mid-March, 111 people have tested positive in the Jeddah area of Saudi Arabia, WHO figures show - the biggest increase in the MERS-CoV outbreak since it was detected in April 2012.
There have been 401 confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection in 12 countries including 93 deaths, according to the US Centre for Disease Control.
Three people have died so far in the UK as a result of the infection - including one man who died at the end of June.
PHE said the last case to be detected in the UK was in February last year.
Cases have also been reported in France, Germany, Italy and Greece, across the Middle East in Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman and in other countries including Malaysia, Philippines and Tunisia.
PHE said the period between exposure to MERS-CoV and when symptoms might develop is up to 14 days.